Архив материалов ATO.RU: "Opinion Eng" за 09/2012
28.09.2012Mikhail Semenov, General Director of Avia Group and Avia Group Nord:
"At the moment we are implementing a project to create infrastructure for helicopter operations both at Sheremetyevo and at Pulkovo.".
"At the moment we are implementing a project to create infrastructure for helicopter operations both at Sheremetyevo and at Pulkovo.".
28.09.2012Francois Chazelle, Vice President Commercial Airbus Corporate Jets:
"By the end of the year, will have exhibited the “widest and tallest cabin of any business jet” on all continents, except Australia and Antarctica".
"By the end of the year, will have exhibited the “widest and tallest cabin of any business jet” on all continents, except Australia and Antarctica".
27.09.2012Evgeny Bakhtin, Vice-President, RUBAA:
"The demand for domestic business charters in Russia is growing extremely fast due to shortage of supply".
"The demand for domestic business charters in Russia is growing extremely fast due to shortage of supply".
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Российская ассоциация эксплуатантов воздушного транспорта с глубокой скорбью выражает соболезнования семье, близким, коллективу Группы Компаний S7, а также работникам гражданской авиации в связи с трагической гибелью Наталии Валерьевны Филёвой
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