Архив материалов ATO.RU: "News" за 05/2015

One of the RACHEL program’s results will be the development of a medium commercial helicopter
22.05.2015It became clear that the project needs to be split in two.
Local carrier complain about the high operating costs of Mi-8 helicopters on regional passenger routes
22.05.2015The Russian government’s resolution #1212 on subsidizing aircraft lease payments in parallel with improvements to ground infrastructure is negatively affecting the volume of commercial helicopter passenger services, say providers polled by Show Observer. 
Uralhelicom currently provides maintenance services for two dozen R44 and R66 helicopters in Moscow
22.05.2015Uralhelicom is looking to start offering maintenance services on Airbus Helicopters H120, H125, Н135, and Н145 rotorcraft.
Mi-26T already works in China, but it wants a different aircraft
22.05.2015Russia and China have officially launched a joint development of a new heavy helicopter with a framework agreement signed in early May between the Russian Helicopters holding and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC).
The company’s Mi-8 fleet logged 14,200 flying hours in 2014
22.05.2015The Syktyvkar, Komi Republic-based regional carrier Komiaviatrans, one of Russia’s leading helicopter operators, is planning to acquire foreign-built helicopters.
By early May, the first Mi-171A2 prototype had completed 42 of the 178 planned test flights
22.05.2015The next testing phase will involve tethered trials to test the compliance of the rotor drive system and actuators with the requirements of the AP-29 aviation rules.
The Russian Helicopters holding company predicts a slight drop in deliveries this year.​
22.05.2015The Russian Helicopters holding company predicts a slight drop in deliveries this year.
21.05.2015Airbus Helicopters celebrates its 20-year presence on the Russian market this year.
The first Ka-62 prototype was presented at MAKS 2013 airshow
21.05.2015Certification of Russia’s new Kamov Ka-62 medium twin helicopter, originally planned for 2014, has been postponed until 2017. 
The first Russian deliveries of the Bell 505 helicopter may take place in 2016
21.05.2015The Bell 505 JenRanger X light single-engine gas-turbine helicopter is making its Russian debut at HeliRussia 2015.
Airbus Helicopters remains the leading foreign manufacturer in the number of medium helicopters operated in Russia
21.05.2015The Russian helicopter fleet continues to grow.
The fourth Mi-38 prototype is in factory certification tests
21.05.2015The Tatarstan-based factory Kazan Helicopters has begun assembling the first pre-production airframe.
Russian Helicopters builds a missionized Ka-226 version for security agencies
21.05.2015The Ka-226 was re-engined as part of a bid in the Indian Air Force tender for 197 light helicopters.
Леонид ФАЕРБЕРГ / Leonid FAERBERG / Transport-Photo.com
21.05.2015The Russian Helicopters holding company has reported an MFRS net profit of 20.7 billion rubles for 2014 ($40 million at the current exchange rate), or 118.6% up year-on-year. 
The HeliRussia 2015 business program will comprise over 45 events
21.05.2015The HeliRussia 2015 business program will comprise over 45 events.


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