Архив материалов ATO.RU: "News" за 09/2015

Popular traffic
11.09.2015The EU remains the most popular destination for Russia’s bizav passengers.
VIP-configured SSJ100s for Russian government agencies
11.09.2015Before the end of the year, four more VIP-configured examples of the type will be delivered to Russian government agencies. 
First Russian delivery for Citation M2
10.09.2015Russian company EastUnion, the official distributor of Cessna Citation jets in Russia and the CIS, is presenting at Jet Expo 2015 two new offerings by the American aircraft manufacturer.
New bizav MRO provider at Vnukovo 3
10.09.2015Vostok Technical Services Jets (VTS Jets) is a new player on the Russian bizav MRO market.
Russians love big business jets
10.09.2015Large-cabin and long-range types account for over 50% of the nearly 500-strong private bizav fleet operated in the country.
Ramenskoye bizav center to open soon
10.09.2015The International Center for Business Aviation at Ramenskoe airfield outside Moscow is preparing to welcome its first commercial customers.
Russian bizav traffic stabilizes
10.09.2015It would be wrong to conclude that the Russian bizav market is nearing a collapse.
Jet Expo’s 10th anniversary
10.09.2015This year marks the 10th anniversary of Jet Expo, a dedicated platform for dialog between Russian bizav market players.
SW Business Aviation debuts with a new G650
10.09.2015Azeri operator Silk Way (SW) Business Aviation is debuting at Jet Expo this year with its Gulfstream G650 ultralong-range business jet at the static park.
Business aviation center opens in Riga
09.09.2015Latvia becomes a key player in the business aviation market in the Baltics, the CIS and partly in Eastern Europe.

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